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Rabu, 06 November 2013

Words of Wisdom Quotes

Words of Wisdom Quotes
Words of Wisdom Quotes - were pieces of a few sentences ever uttered and issued by some leaders, both world leaders. were popular in his time, who have achieved success both personally and career.

we would like to present quotes from world leaders :

* "If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him. An investment in knowledge always pay the best interest." Benjamin Franklin

"Suppose, then, that all men were sicks or Deranged, save one or two of them who were healthy and of right mind. It would then be the latter two who would be thought to be sick and Deranged and the former not." Aristotle

* "It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if your described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure." Albert Einstein

* "The people who succeed will take advantage of the mistakes he did, and will try again to perform in a different way." Dale Carnegie

* "Humility leads to strength, not a weakness. Admitting mistakes and make changes for the error is the highest form of respect for yourself." John McCLoy

* "Whatever our life task, do it well. Someone should do his job so well that they are still alive, who was dead and the unborn could not do it better." Martin Luther King

* "People are pessimistic sees difficulty in every opportunity. Optimistic person sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Wiston Churchill

* "Society is the main condition for freedom rights protected. Love You permissibility make you care for others." George Washington

* "Success is related to the action. Successful people who go ahead, they make mistakes, but they never give up." Conrad Hilton

* "People optimist sees the rose and not prickly; pessimistic people glued to forget the thorns and the roses." Kahlil Gibran

* "You can not teach something to someone; You can only help him find something in him." Galileo Galilei

* "The more I read, the more I thought a lot; many more I learn, the more I realized that I did not know anything." Voltaire

* "Someone has to be brave enough to admit mistakes, smart enough to learn from mistakes, and tough enough to be able to correct the error." John C Maxwell

* "Know is not enough, we must apply.'s Will alone is not enough, we must bring them into action." Leonardo da Vinci

* "Nearly all men are able to survive the adversity. However, if you want to test a man's true character, give him power." Abraham Lincoln

* "I have three properties. Maintain and preserve: the love, simplicity, courage uncertainties win the world. With love in, someone will be brave. With simplicity, one will be a benefactor. With courage uncertainties win the world, someone is going to be a world leader . " Lao-Tzu

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